Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jag ska först meddela att jag tänker ta bloggpaus :------)
Har helt enkelt ingen lust att blogga och absolut ingenting att skriva om heller.
I want to announce that I will take a pause from blogging :------)

Skulle också meddela att babe hämtades idag. Han är fin och perfekt.. Måste bara lära mig hur jag ska använda honom på bästa sätt, svårt i och med att jag aldrig förut använt varken ritplatta eller photoshop (eller andra liknande program).
I also wanted to say that I picked upp babe today. He's boootiful and perfect... But I must learn how to use him in the best way, which is hard because I have never before used either tablet or photoshop (or similar programes).

Så bilden ovanför är vad jag åstadkom på mitt första försök med photoshop cs5 (enda programmet som jag har där det är möjligt att rita. Fattar inte det där med lager heller, men det kommer jag väl lära mig.. lol.
The picture above is what I acieved out of my first try with photoshop cs5. I don't get all that about what the layers is all about, but I will learn.. someday.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

So, in Sweden (maybe all of the Nordic-countries) we celebrate Christmas at it's hight on the 24th of December, but I think that most countries celebrate Christmas at the 25th of December. So therefore I wish you all a very, merry Christmas today. Hope you will have a wonderful day and night. And if not, let's hope the next day will be better!

I, myself, was sick yesterday, fever and a sore throat, but I had a good Christmas Eve with my family anyway. I ate food and.. Sweets, to much of both actually. I still feel stuffed (and it was a long time since I ate (around 15:30 I think). Since I'm a vegetarian my mother had made me some nice beanballs (instead of meatballs), and also rutabaga casserole (lovely word, lovely dish!).

Now I'll get some sleep, I'm really tired thanks to the fever (I was tired the very first second I got out of bed and throughout the whole day). Sleep well and once again, Merry Christmas to all of you (and if you don't celebrate Christmas I wish you a very good regular day instead!).

P E A C E  O U T !

Friday, December 23, 2011

Woke up today only to figure out that I'm sick.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Post in Swedish

Jag fick ett fint paket ifrån norr idag! Väldigt fint, väldigt roligt att få, ska spara det några dagar dock, vara som vilken svensson som helst och öppna det om fem dagar. Yep.

Tror jag ska börja skriva på svenska igen, haha. Tappat allt självförtroende till att skriva på andra språk idag. GRISMAT. Åh, snart är det lov, ska bara skriva klart två inlämningar tills på onsdag och lämna in dem. Sedan är det en chill-torsdag (enda chill-dagen på hela läsåret!). Förhoppningsvis kommer SP2's bidrag vara gryyyymt (klart det kommer vara, min och de andra "tvås" idé, satteeeh)! Efter skoldagens slut så blir det Gotham City för att köpa en liten sak till, till en julklapp som för stunden är "halv" eftersom jag inte hittade vad jag ville ha idag, och den där julklappen får väl ges efter Jul, men det är ändå tanken som räknas.

Howevah, hoppas man kanske kan knö in sig på en panduro på torsdag och se om de har spegelbitar! Vill inte krossa en spegel på egen hand, inte för att jag är särskilt vidskeplig, men ändå. Man krossar inte speglar själv, man köper en krossad spegel istället. Måste fullborda min skapelse snart så att rummet bredvid blir helt klart och niiiice (alltså rummet bredvid i huset för rummet bredvid i lägenheten skiter jag i hur det ser ut (grannar får sköta sig själva)).

Efter ett finare, lite längre inlägg, på mitt modersmål svenska så säger jag hej då för stunden!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


In one week it's Christmaseve, which is the day that swedes celebrate Christmas at it's hight (christmas-gifts, christmas-food, christmastree and so on). Christmas is nice I guess, but I don't like how blown-up it is, the day of the year, even if you're a non-Christian, and yeah, even if you don't have panganism beliefs either. But I guess it's nice to eat good food and also to have a holiday over Christmas.

Today (later today so.. tonight) I'll watch a film, I think it'll be the Godfather part 2. And now I have made som truffles that's in the fridge to cool down, hope they'll taste delicious, otherwise I will throw them away /rage.
No, jk about throwing them away, I will force others too eat them and tell me how good they taste.

Oh, and earlier this morning (in the middle of the night) I watched the film "Crows zero 2", it was nice I guess, nice looking guys fighting through two hours.. What could ever be better than that?

Here's the trailer for the first film;

Monday, December 5, 2011

Was it an unicorn?

I think it was yesterday when my dog noticed some strang poopoos in our garden. My mother thought it was an elk, but both me and my father know that that's horseshit. We could even see marks from the horse walking around. The strange thing is; there are no horses around where I live! Where did that horse come from and why did it take a dump in our garden? This is so mysterious!

Also I recieve comments once in a while here and.. I don't know how to answer them (if that's even possible at blogspot?). I hate that, seriously, of course I want to answer all of the comments that I get (even if there aren't many of them).


Friday, December 2, 2011

Some whining

I don't want to go, but I know I have to because I can't let other people down that much. It's enough that I had to turn down a few, I can't do it again only to stay at home by myself. But I want to be home, I want to sleep and take it easy, chill out. I know I have to drag myself away in a few hours, but not for long, because I don't like to go home by myself in the dark when it's late.. But one hour or something like that is better than not going at all I guess. After all, it's her birthday-party...

I'm so damn tired, that's how it is.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

One more today!

I've seen a t-shirt that I want so bad, really.. I fell in love with it.. I need it..

I know I didn't see MUCC this date but this t-shirt.. I.. I.. I have to ask my mother to get this as an early 18th Birthday-present or something like that. This is fabulous! The thing is that I don't have a japanese name or adress and everywhere where I don't need that they're sold out... Hope I can reward myself with this shirt. Usually I don't like band-shirts, but this.. HNNNNG!

And a friend (that's in Japan right now) bought a beautiful BUCK-TICK totebag, I'm quite jealous, yes.


I'm bored so I threw on some makeup and.. camwhored. Tomorrow it's friday, I'm tired, everything is bad. I'm loosing readers... I know I'm not writing any cool or fun stuff nowadays. You want to know why? Because SCHOOL IS KILLING ME. And it's autumn = dark and cold 24/7 = not that good for neither physical nor mental health. Today it's December, now I remember! That means that it's winter now and no, there's no snow in this part of Sweden, actually it rains instead.. So I concider this first of December to be autumn.
Noticed that there's two different makeups?
See how beautiful my eyebrows are even when they're not filled in? They look kind of gorgeous if you ask me (it's the last picture where they're not filled in).

P E A C E  O U T !

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Search and you will find me

Some people searched for these things above and found this blog.. My blog is so fat that you seem to find it if you search "i'm hungry what should i eat (?)". And also you'll find it if you search "gack fainted at a concert".. However it is really nice that people accidentaly finds my blog, I like it~

Friday, November 25, 2011

Home, sweet home

I was on a party until now, it was the most pathetic and most terrible party ever, but I can still have a good laugh at all the persons there, and I will, oh I will... Hopefully they'll stop drinking now so that they can get home without getting beat up or raped, because even if I don't know the others who were there I don't want anything bad happen to them. But.. Ahahaha! Laugh forever at them.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Waka waka eh-eh

Dreamhack starts today. I've been wondering the whole day how some can go to that level when they go there; not to play (they don't even have a computer with them (tards)) but to be there and get some money from nerds. Fun weekend all girls that goes there, hope you'll get money and that they're worth it!

Also I'm thinking about the reason behind my hands shaking like mad. I can't even write because they shake that much. I mean.. What the fuck?! Can't write more now...


brb shaking (or something, I may not come back)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


French test, done.
Evaluationg sources in History, done.
Text about Harvey Milk, done.
Keynote about Harvey Milk, almost done.
Analysis of The Dark Knight, just started.
Mathematics, a lot to do.

But today I was a really good student when coming home, but unfortunaly I missed precious time to talk with someone, so it sucks. I'm watching Top Model 16 right now and chillin' out.

P E A C E  O U T !

Monday, November 21, 2011


I hate this day. Woke up one hour earlier than usual to get to the train, that didn't go. I don't have a bus-card and couldn't go by bus to school. I had nobody that could drive me there either. Also I thought that my test in French was this thursday but it's tomorrow. And because I couldn't get to school today I couldn't sign up for Amnesty tomorrow. So I'm not only hating this day I hate my freaking life right now. /end of complaining.

No just kidding, I'm hungry but I ate an unhealthy and fatty sandwhich before so I don't want to eat anything else today. Why? Because there was a shitload of cheese on that thing before and I don't even eat cheese anymore.
I haven't watch that film I should've watched either because I might have changed my mind about which film I want to do an analysis of.
I just want to cry right now, all this sucks so badly and I hate everything not just this day and my life. So.. See you another time in another space or something, because this space sucks. Uhuuhuhuh..
/end of complaining 4realzzz.

imma go study nao..

Those days when you get up one hour earlier than usual to get to the train in time just to notice that the train won't go any further and you can't go with the busses because you haven't got a card and you have to call your mother to get you home again when for once wanting to go to school because today you could do anything you wanted there..

Now I have to do all the things I had thought I would do in school at home. Have done some math, two pages actually and I have about ten more to go. Right now I have a pause and after this I'll try to read some German and French (fuck yeah, tests in both languages this thursday!) and then continue with math. I should watch The Dark Knight to because I have to do an analysis on it in Swedish and I should write my last evaluation of a source that I used in History... Much to do yes, but I have to (I've started a period of slackery in my life.. Why the hell am I behind in math?). However, I'll continue with the important stuff now..

See you! ~

Friday, November 18, 2011

‘‘Jacob keep your shirt on!’’


I'm home from Gotham after a fabulous day and evening with dear Cilla. So, we kind of watched ‘‘Breaking Dawn - Part 1’’ and.. Haha, oh that was fun because there are countless jokes about the twilight-saga that we could wisper aaaaand therefore it was fun to watch it. Also trolled a little and bought the ‘‘Twilight-menu’’ so now I have an ugly bracelet which I'll never take of again (am I a fan in disguise?!)... However.. I'll never forget how many that thought that Jacob looked silly, uncute and almost ugly in the first film when I was like ‘‘I think he looks gooooood,’’and then in the second film Jacob suddenly has short hair and he takes of his shirt and all the girls (and boys?) went all crazy about him. Strange how some think that somebody is ugly one year and the other they've changed their opinion drasticly.

However the film wasn't great, I'm really dissapointed and if I wouldn't have as many twilight-jokes I would've been angry at myself for even watching the film (but I still think Jacob is a cutiepie (lol)). I want to spoil this movie, but I won't if anyone haven't watched it yet. Soooo...
P E A C E  O U T !

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Frank is here

Hello again!
I should do some more schoolwork but this day wasn't that great so therefore I will watch a film instead. I've seen it before and I really like it, it's the film ‘‘Donnie Darko’’. I really like Jake Gyllenhaal so it's even greater thanks to him. I mean the story and all, wonderful.

Ooooh, and I watched ‘‘The King's Speech’’ in school, I really liked that film! I love films based on true events or persons. I think that it's really intresting since it happened for real. I mean, seeing others life, what they do, why they're memorable. I envy them a bit, I want to do something great, but probably I'll just end up as nothing, haha! Enough whining now.
Here's the two trailers for the two films mentioned above;

I clean now

Right now I'm trying to watch a disgusting film about our bodies different systems. I can't watch it though, because I'll probably faint or puke. Really disgusting... So I have to do something else and I thought, Why not update my blog?! So I did, now I'm here writing.

Tomorrow I'll go with Cilla to Gotham City and watch "Breaking Dawn", no I'm not into the Twilight-series, but I want to watch it anyway. Go Team Jacob.. Even if I know that you'll loose (no I have not read the last book, but who cares?).

Very well dear friends, I'll continue surfing around now and then some french before heading home. See you guys!
P E A C E  O U T !

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baby I was born this way!

Swedes born this way?
Swede = rot crop
Swede = swedish person
Born this way = lady gaga

omg, I'm hilarious and my photoshopskills are fabulous! 

I'm tired.

Today I went with my class and three other classes from my school to Gotham City. Some "Knowledge fair" (don't know what to call it actually) where Universities and Colleges tried to inform future students about themselves. Got a lot of information and it feels good and I guess I'll read some of it, but we'll go to the same fair next year so I have time to decide..

Oh, and also we were at an exhibition called Destination X on the Museum of Worlds Culture or something like that. It was nice since I like exhibitions and all that stuff.

One thing that wasn't that great today was the bus that got delayed and therefore I couldn't speak with my bf, which sucked damn hard, tbh... Tomorrow I can't talk with him either because my class will have a party that I feel that I must attend to (don't want to!). Enough of all this whining, see you!

P E A C E  O U T !

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm getting thin! 42kg!

Herpderp picture! However I don't know anything about the red thing next to my eyebrow in this picture, because the red thing doesn't exist in real life, lol? With this picture I wanted to show you how bored I am and how fluffy my hair is for some reason, I mean.. It should hang flat because of the weather, it's cold and humid outside.. It should be haning flat with ugly waves (my hair has waves, but these look kind of good because I had the power over them (created them with some kind of heating-tool, lol)).
Oh and one more thing about this picture that I noticed now! The white thing under my nose is NOT mucus (oh that word!), it's my piercing... And where the hell am I staring in this picture?! I'm so not looking good in this one, but w/e, I kind of liked the naked truth (want to insert lol here again, but I won't just to surprise you all a little).
Also I have no makeup.. Just kidding! My brows are filled in because they're invisible otherwise and I hate invisible eyebrows (on me, other might look good in it). However I'm starting a period of starvation now so that I'll look good and so that I'm thin (because somehow it's forbidden in this world to be soft/fat/chubby.. and because I want to be even more perfect than I already am, HELL YEAH!)).

Now.. Enough of jokes, as we all know I'll probably buy some unhealthy stuff tomorrow because I forgot to buy healthy stuff for lunch (that I should've had with me tomorrow to school...).. No jkjkjk, Starvation is the way to go (although I heared that grape is good for something digestive-related and coffee makes you shit so.. I guess I have to learn drink coffee and to combine it with grape (must taste awful together though)).

NOOO, this is going somewhere again.. I was about to finish this update soooo.. Well, see you some day (and don't take this to serious, okay?).

P E A C E  O U T !

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What's up people?

Just a small comeback or something. I like blogging I guess, even if I barely have any readers, haha! So.. Tomorrow it's time for school again and I don't want to... But I have to. I have to study and work hard to become something (I'd like) in life.

However I'm still not happy and I still feel as if there's a black cloud around me, that I can't see trough, not even a glimse of sunshine is reaching me. Also I'm sick and tired of someone, for real, someone that doesn't care at all of others. Seriously I need someone that listen to me.. So it's good that I have a pen-pal (yes, snail-mail), because in those letters I can write out some of my feelings. I'm sorry for my pen-pal that has to read it, but somehow it feels as if she'd really care and not just pretend to do (like someone else..). Thank you dear!

Now I have to go to sleep, because later today I'll go with my mother for some shopping (maybe) and also hopefully I get some pancakes for brunch (I have to get pancakes, american style, you know the thick and really unhealthy ones that you have syryp on?). P A N C A K E S ! MHHHHHH! (yes, I'm fat, whatever)

Very well my dear readers (the ones that I have and that I'm so thankful for) good night, because I have to sleep NOW!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the Karate Kid

So, I've seen the Karate Kid now, you know the film with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith? Yes, you know what film I'm talking about. Sooo. I would say that it is a good film, because I cried and I think that if a film can make you feel something it is a good film. I cried = good film.
And here is the trailer if anyone don't know what I'm talking about:

Also I'm wondering why I keep this blog, haha, everything just feels so.. I don't know unnessecary right now. Everything and I don't know what to do about it either. Everything just sucks big time and yes I whine but whatever? Who cares? Seriously, I have no readers I'm just pretending that I have, pretend that somebody really care (insert: forever alone). Think it is time for a little pause here, I have to gather myself together and find something that makes me atleast a little bit happier. So see you later sometime (hopefully).

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I can not decide...

This night (and yesterdays evening) I've been thinking about a future cosplay that I wanted to do. But then I thought; Do I REALLY want to do this one? (since it's expensive as HELL to cosplay in a good way I want to be 100% sure what I want).

So.. Well, I'll spread it now; My original thought was Riku from Phantasmagoria in his clothes from "Lost in thought... PV". Now I have a whole damn list of other cosplays.. Should I just stick to the first idea? No.. I kind of like another pretty damn badly, but I'm afraid I'm way to fat to pull that one off. But well Riku shows his stomach so does it really matter which stomach-shower I choose?

Okay I think that the three I'm thinking about is much work so I can not just take the easiest one (none of them are easy to make). Omg, I don't knoooooow what to do and I miss my chinaman really badly.. Now I'm off to bed (will probably cry and all that shit because nothing is good at this moment (China y u so far away?!)).

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Well hello there.. I drawed this and wanted to show something. Sorry that the quality was eaten when I took a photo of the drawing. But yeah, it's Atsushi Sakurai from BUCK-TICK (but it doesn't really look exactly like him because I suck..).

Soon I'll go to training for the first time in weeks..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why so serious folkis?

I'm sitting in school chillin at the history lesson with old man Sweeney now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Snape meets...

After Cilla have ruined that warm and cosy moment when Voldemort hugs Draco. I decided to show you guys how wonderful little Snape is doing the right thing to do.. After all, that singing person is against abortion, and he thinks that even rapes happens for a reason.. Yes, you can now tell how retarded that boy is.. Ah, well done Snapie <3

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Well hello there!
Today me and my mother (yes I hang out with my mother) went on a little roadtrip to Norway and back to Sweden because we (I) had a big fucking craving for new clothes and uhm New Yorker. Therefore we sat our sweet little butts in the car and drove away, I found some nice stuff.. No, I found a lot of nice stuff, but didn't buy all of it (well duuuh, I must have something to buy the next time!). Oh and I really needed something like this, to do something with my mother because I think about him way to much.

And congratulations to me, the night between friday and saturday was the first night I didn't cry since the night between last saturday and sunday. Omg, feels nice, think I will cry later today though.. Because yes, I miss him.. At least I have my wonderful mother and some new clothes to cheer myself up with... Oh, and some pick and mix (sweets (candy) if you didn't know).

Now I'll chill the fuck out here with my unhealthy bag of sweets and watch some cool drama (Oh, reminds me of the film I bought today (Bunraku!!!!!!!1one11)).

P E A C E  O U T !

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am missing you

As the title says..

And also I skipped training today too (feel to sorry about myself) so I stayed home and uhm.. cried and now I'm painting my fingernails in some kind of greyish-poopycoloured colour.. Very nice.. Also I'm thinking about throwing in some blue in my hair tomorrow because.. I have nothing better to do and my hair is really boring and..

Oh, wait, soon there is time for some liberty from school! Really nice, but I have to do something. Want to meet awesome people and uh.. Want to meet "far, far away" again and also other people (look at my links on the side, good examples of who I want to meet).

Now I'll paint my nails a little more, see you another time!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trying to remember how it was before...

Good evening everyone!
Think that my updating will be better from now on, since I'm now alone again. So what have I done today? I've been to school, I walked home, I tried to cut my boyfriends hair, I ate with him, I helped him decide wish necktie he would buy, I went to a café, I went to the station, I cried, I cried a little more, and then I cried more and then I cried. Have I mentioned that I've cried today? Now you know.

The reson you may ask. I'll tell you that it's because he will go back to China in a couple of days, we will not see eachother in a long time. I cried because now I have to get home to an empty apartment and sleep in an empty bed. I will not have anyone to eat or laugh with, I will not have anyone wiping my tears away. I have not been alone in like three and a halv week and now, alone. And I miss him..

Will stop this wining now and I will try to finish my essay in history now, but it's so hard and my eyes are so tired thanks to all my silly crying before (I think I have to mention that I barely cry whatever happened, not like this, so.. I'm not usually this weak, but now.. haha).

My life before having friends and boyfriend:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Long time, no see!

I don't have time to update here (as I said one billion times already). Just making a quick update telling you all that I'm studying all the time when I'm not sleeping (I eat and study at the same time). Also I'm not alone so when I'm not studying I have to socialize with my guest.

Right now I study some psychology because I have a test tomorrow and I must write a little history because it should be all done by wednesday morning, also I'm waiting for food and in the background there's a movie.
I will be better at updating soon (maybe)...

P E A C E  O U T !

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Another list

I'm sitting and trying to learn all the swedish necessary for the test tomorrow, also I'm thinking about writing a little more on my essay about the Holodomor and yeah, I should write a little on my "creative writing". Also I should answer the long and wonderful letter that I got a couple of days ago. All this while skipping training (one; I have to much to do with school, two; my stomach is hurting really bad, three; my boyfriend surprisingly showed up out of nowhere).

So, see you later aligator, I have to study hard now!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm trying to work hard when it comes to my History assignment. It is interesting, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.. Though, right now I feel like this:
when thinking about that assignment from hell! Now I must try to find out events that happened after my event and then write a little bit more about the events before my event..

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm sorry I havn't updated here in a while. I had almost no access to internet this weekend because I was on a party on this friday, went home saturday and back sunday.. Also I can not get the time to update here now, because I have another guest.

Can't write more now because I'm in school now.. Well, I'm sorry for my bad updating, really I am.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Imorgon är det fredag

And I have some pictures of udon to show you, very delicious as said. Tomorrow there will be some serious partying going on and uhm.. Yep, there was a lot of food for these small bowls, but managed to get it in them without getting noodles everywhere. Should have washed the noodles a bit more only so that the "water" would have been clearer. But think they look real good for beeing the first time, and best of all, they tasted good!

Well.. must soon go to bed, because I have school tomorrow, 160min of swedish with or principal... Haha, a lot of our teachers are in Berlin now, so there have been changes in the schedule.

P E A C E  O U T !

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I cut my hair..

Because of the tard that is living with me for a couple of more days had managed to take the photos out of my camera instead of copying them I can not show you guys the awesome Udon that we made the day before yesterday. Think they look pretty good and they tasted delicious. I will yell a little at her when she comes home so hopefully I can show you pictures later..

Now I have another picture to show you because I cut my hair (the bang) a couple of minutes ago. Don't mind my face, mhhh derp-face~
Well.. even if my face isn't the prittiest I'm really satisfied with the hair (no, think it's a little to short, but It will grow, so w/e if it is to short now).

I want it to be friday, I must say that, because I'm so tired right now and I want to be able to chill out and have some fun with friends and hopefully have a good time with boyfriend when he's coming back from Italy, haha.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Toe flirting

I can feel your foot on mine "far, far away", you're such a creepy person. She's trying to look innocent and she tries to look like she didn't do anything.. Should I say to her that she had her toes on my toes? No.. jkjkjk..

Trying to do some math, it's okay, but I'm a little to tired and I want to draw or watch a film or maybe just chill out, but NOOO, because I have to do this, there's a test tomorrow morning..

So good bye again, now I'll kill some more time (and myself) with math.. Oh and by the way, bought three movies earlier: "the Butterfly Effect", "Hotel Rwanda" and "Napola". We watched "the Butterfly Effect" and it was good!  
Hotel Rwanda I saw in school last year, it's a good film, you learn much by watching it, I tell you that. And "Napola" I havn't seen, but I think it might be a good film too, terrible and raw, but good.

P E A C E  O U T !

Saturday, October 1, 2011

the Brothers Grimm

Sitting in my room in the forest and watching "the Brothers Grimm" and eating unhealthy things (as usual (forever fat)). My life isn't more interesting than this so I will not write much more. Tomorrow I'll try to do some schoolwork and go back to my apartment.. Weekends passing by so fast.. I hate it, really, I just want to have weekend for at least a week and I would sleep that week, nothing more but sleep.

I'll continue watching the film now, hope you all have a great evening, see you!

Friday, September 30, 2011

My feeling right now..


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank you!

The rave-party is cancelled and moved one week. Didn't want it to be moved because I actually looked foreward to it.. Guess I have to think about something else to do tomorrow, something fun with "far, far away".. Seriously, can't find a better person in the whole world, she's awesome I tell you! So glad that she's my friend, really (no sarcasm here).

So tomorrow it's friday...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Home, sweet home

I'm home, sitting on my bed, have been fixing with clothes and hair for this friday.. Will be fucking crazyyy~ (probably me and my friend will be the only ones really trying to rave things up, but it's okay, we're pretty awesome).

Now I'll practise german and read a book in english and yes, talk to my boyfriend because he's travelling around Europe and missing me.. Haha, feels nice, because people usually don't miss me (forever alone?).

And now I'll cut things of here soon, because I really have to study now and after that sleep..
P E A C E  O U T !


Hi there, dear readers.
I love the fact that you still visit my blog even if I'm such a bad blogger (can't do nothing good (cries)). No, seriously, I'm very thankful to you guys (and gals and whatever you are). And more than thankfulness is inside my brain now.. I have SO much to do that has to do with school, also I have a guest and on this friday there will be some partying going on (if they move it I'll probably kill myself..).

Wish I had some fancy pictures to show you, some fancy pictures that would lighten up this blog and make it funnier to read (and/or watch).. I'll check among my files, brb!
Only picture I found that I had the courage to show you.. It's old, halv a year or something..
And yeah, you can always check out my deviantart if you want to, haha, please comment or something, because I would like it ALOT.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A visit to Gotham City

Sorry for the bad update, haha! Have had people here, haha nice time for me I guess. Good friends and beautiful boyfriend in same place, so it was good! Watched some movies (Toy Story 3 (finally!)) and then my guest "far, far away" is also here (she'll probably stay here for about two weeks).

Don't know what to tell you guys.. Yesterday didn't do a shit, ate some fatty stuff and said goodbye to Mr. and today me and "far, far away" was in Gotham City.. Wanted to find a jacket and/or shoes, but instead I came home with the movie "Ninja Assasin" (because of Rain.. hehehe~).

Now I'm rewatching "the Green Hornet" and I will probably watch either "Pans Labyrinth" or "Ninja Assasin" later, because I don't have school tomorrow (fuck yeah sleeeeeeep!).

Well.. talk to you guys another day too! Peace out.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

TIme for some isms!

Now I must finish some schoolwork, and later I must make my apartment look nice because of tomorrow, also I must skip training, because there is no time. The thing is I really wanted to train today, to be honest, and now.. I can't because of school.. Now I remember I have to read a book and start writing about it, also I should've bringed some other books home, but i forgot them.
If I survive this evening, I can have a great time tomorrow, but now it actually feels as if I will die here, die because of school. So much and I have planned, there's simply just no time to do anything else but school.

I will stop whining for now and finish some schoolrelated things instead.. Well.. hope you'll have a better (funnier, more awesome) evening than me !
jk, hope you all suffer as much as I do...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So... I'm waiting for the Queen, because hell yeah she's coming to my place to give me cool stuff and... Who am I kidding? I'm waiting for my mother because I need some color and decoration for my cupcakes (friday you know..)... Right now I feel lonely, I've already did the dishes and cleaned and put all my clothes in the closet.. Nothing more to do than to wait.. WHY ISN'T IT FRIDAY NOW?! This week moves by so slow.

I should finish my essay about different political isms, but I don't want to do that now. Oh, and I should eat because I'm hungry and all I do is to sit on my sofa looking at silly pictures..
Like the one below, with this silly shark (nu behöver du inte bläddra ner mer Cilla, om du inte vill skratta lite åt bilden...).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pepptalk to myself.

So, (refering to the blogpost beneath) now I'm on my sofa and I should change because I soon have to go to my training. I don't feel like it, because the training is so hard (and yes, because I'm fat and because it rains outside (which means I have to be there with wet clothes (because I want to change home))).

Also I don't want to go training today because I actually have to study (found my mathbook again, and I have to play expert in different political isms and I have to think about events before the Holodomor and I have to practise french...). And I dont want to go training today because I don't want to have bruises again and I don't want to get vesicles on my hands again because of the sticks..

Well, hope this friday will rock, I need to have something to look forward to, and of course I'm looking forward to friday because;
A) Kuusai/Shiro/"far, far away" will come to me in the evening
B) My boyfriend will come over (heart)
C) Fanny and Cilla will help me make a shitload of cupcakes!
D) About ten people will eat those cupcakes and some noodles in my apartment..

Think that I might look something like this while making cupcakes:
Or.. probably I just look like Jack here when finished making them.. And my guest's will probably look like William.. Sorry, can't help that I'm awesome at making cupcakes even if you can't see it >:

School day is finished, now I'm heading home.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My saviour..

..Is named Cilla (link to her blog on the side ->).. She rescued the fly, and now I don't have anything to hate, that's good I guess. Now we'll eat some mudcake, fuck yeah!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

And there was... a fly.

There's a fly here.. I hate it, I hate it so much that I can not even express my hate for it.

Today I finally got some real sleep and after waking up my mother helped me color my hair and I colored hers, think the resault was okay, both on me and her. After refreshing our hairs we started packing to get me back to my apartment, cleaned it a little because I've invited some friends to come over on friday. Hope it will be fun, haha promised to cook them some noodles (not make them though, I'm to lazy for that, sorry...).

I promise you guys, I will not be able to sleep because of that fly.. It is SO annoying. Tomorrow it's monday btw, which means school, and I should go to sleep, but I have to talk to peeps first. Sometimes I wish I still lived with my family, because I wouldn't have to come up with silly lies to keep myself safe here (don't misunderstand or something).

Now I will leave you guys with this incredibly boring update. Peace out!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good evening y'all

Right now I'm in my room doing nothing (as usual). Okay, I do something; I sit and I'm listening to some music, but that isn't much, is it? Nothing worth telling really..

Today I saw the film "Zookeeper", it was fun, but as all american comedies (according to me) it wasn't really my humour, but it was okay, I could rest a little while watching, haha. My cardigan smell SOOOOO good now, at least on the left side.

Nothing more to write actually, and no pictures (as usual (because I always forget to bring my camera (and never have anything to take a photo of...))) so I just leave it like this with some good music..

And yeah, I suck giving my updates name, sorry ):

Friday, September 16, 2011

This day!

Everything went just fine (except nervousity)!

I actually have had a really great day with a gentleman by my side. Seriously, nerver met a more polite guy (in centuries (yes, I'm serveral hundred years old.. lol)) than this one, I'm actually surprised by it.

As the stalker/creep I am, I will meet him again tomorrow and we will watch a film.

Also today both made dumplings and ate them (vegetarian-crime.. sorry world, sorry for my big fail at beeing a vegetarian (haven't even ate gelatine in these last years..)).

Hope you all have had a nice day/evening too!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grattis Pappa!

Today is my fathers birthday! Congratulations to him AND to my mother because it's not only my fathers birhtday it is also their weddingday (now you know!).

I've missed out science-class because I had to go to a meeting with the Student Council... Well.. guess I might learn about orbits and all that stuff by myself (forever alone).

...and now i got slapped by a tie... tough life..........

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I will shower now!

Today I've been to school (surprise!) and when I came home I tried to be an expert about different political isms.. It was hard, and I failed (because I don't understand exactly what I'm expected to do..). However, before I go to shower I wanted to update quickly!

Think life is pretty good right now, even if I've been sick lately, now I'm mostly sick of nervousity, because of this friday, seriously.. So annoying to be nervous because of one little thing.. But if all goes well I think I will be even happier after friday, haha. But let us not hope for the best (don't want to get to dissapointed (haha)).

Now I'm of to shower and then to bed, sleep well dear fellows!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm sick.

Since I've been sick over the weekend (still sick..) I will not participate in the Kali Sikaran training... I would have liked to, but whenever I move it feels as if my brain floating around in my head, it hurts.. Don't even want to imagine how it would feel if moving around as much as you do in Kali Sikaran.

Therefore I will sit in my sofa with a warm blanket over myself and continue reading about the Holodomor (I will write an essay about it for my history class) and hope that my vanilla candle will fill the air with sweet vanilla-scent..

Oh, I can't breathe properly, it's so annoying and someone playes the guitar and sings and I want to do that to, but when I tried I sounded like a gooze, a duck, an ugly bird. NOT. OKAY.

Monday, September 12, 2011

When talking with My!

My feelings..

I'm happy now I think, but at the same time my lack of confidence is visiting me. I really want to be perfect, I want people think I'm beautiful and worth loving. I try to tell myself that I'm okay, I'm not ugly, but it doesn't help me. And if someone says I'm looking good, I laugh, I laugh because I can't take compliments, can't take them for real, because I don't think so myself. I think that sometimes I might look good in pictures, but in real life, in front of the mirror, I can't se anything that is looking good. All I see is a pale face and dry hair, I see I'm not thin enough, my hands are to big, my eyes are not even, my noce is big, my mouth isn't straight, I look bad in my piercings, but even worse* when taking them off..

And no, I'm not begging you to come and give me lies to make me feel better, I just had to write this because I want you guys to understand that right now I'm not feeling that well, I want to beg you for understanding that right now I'm a boring person because of my lack of confidence in myself.

But I can tell you that I'm happy for one thing (even if it makes me feel very unconfident to). I'm kind of looking foreward to this weekend, but I don't look foreward to tomorrow when I have to talk to my mother about this weekend.. haha.. Hope she's okay with it, this is important to me!

Well... now I'll go and talk some more with my lovely friend My (link to her blog on the side ->).

Peace out, F R E D

*happy now Hector?!

Friday, September 9, 2011

I feel life is...

... -PO-TA-TO and I feel like I'm Silas (Da Vinci Code) because of the bruises, and I feel like I'm forever alone.


 I'm not beaten. I can tell you that it hurts when carrying bags.. I wonder why one of them is darkpurple and the other like.. orangebrown-something but both hurt as hell?

Edit; I was just training..

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Food dilemma..

That moment when you want to be friend with someone, but you don't dare and you go cook some soup instead.. That moment is my moment in.. one moment (I'll finish updating first).

In a few hours I'll go away for some training.. I'm really tired (don't sleep very well), but I'll do my best, try my best. But I should really eat now, the thing is I'm not hungry at all but I know I will be and I will not come home before nine (training ends nine) and I don't eat after nine. I HATE when it is like this. I must eat, because it's not good to not-eat. So maybe I shouldn't make soup and just make myself some lovely toasts? Should I cook some noodles maybe? OH THIS DILEMMA, I CAN'T HANDLE IT.. Nah, I can, I guess.. Maybe some soymilk will do after all? I can't decide.. and I want to send a friendrequest to someone, but I don't dare, I'm such a chicken..

Well.. I continue thinking about what I should eat for a couple of minutes, and then I probably eat something.. Well.. Hope your okay whereever you are!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just an update..

Today I can announce that uh.. I don't have to shower, there was some serious rain going on outside (walked from school and home, about 15 minutes, I was not dry.. at all when I came home..).

It have been raining here almost every day for about three weeks, I like rain, but not for such a long period of time. You can't look good when your dripping of rain, you simply just can't look good then. So I have been looking ugly every day, now you know!

Well, yesterday I tried Kali Sikaran for the first time in my life, I thought it was hard, but I'll be better after I've tried it some more (hopefully I won't get bruices on my shoulders everytime..).

Nothing more to write for now, and no pictures, I don't have my camera here, and I don't have anything to take pictures of.. But I think that my few readers won't kill me for having this incredibly boring blog.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dum Spiro Spero - Toshiya

I wanted to show you this drawing I did early this morning. Hope you like it and if you do; why not follow me on deviantart? (winkwinkblinkblink)

4evah arone...

I'm sitting here alone again, but I kind of like it.. My mother left half an hour ago, after we ate some fatty pizza (I like the combo of banans and olives on my pizza.. don't know why...). The pizza was good, but fat, and uhm.. cheesy, and I don't eat cheese, but well.. whatever, as long as it isn't meat?

While shopping food for this week I bought soy-milk, becasue;
A) I don't like milk (from cows)
B) I need calcium and B12
C) I've heard that soy-milk doesn't taste like cow-milk and therefore I thought it was worth trying.

Sooo.. What else have I done? This weekend I've slept away, while I should've done math and other school-related things, but it is not easy to do that when your sleeping.. So, I took care of it earlier today and I'll finish it off later this evening.

Take care, peace out... F R E D

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hips don't lie..

...That's what I've been told. Haha, but yeah.

Hope his hips doesn't lie, I can't get this song out of my mind, can't get that dance out of my mind. It's annoying by now (had it since like.. early yesterday..). Why is southkorean music so catchy? But well, I like it I think.

See you, now I'll continue to have Hip Song stuck in my head while doing nothing when I should do some schoolwork..


Thursday, September 1, 2011

What if...?

I'll just... leave this here.

I'm nice.

Hello there!

So, I ain't got much to tell you, but I felt that I had to write here.. Wish I was more like Cilla, because she remember all the fun shit that happens in a day. I, myself, forget them and can't write about them. Sorry for that.
Probably I should do some math and history (and like 5000000 other school-related things) but instead I'll be waiting for a friend so that we can go to 'le centrum' together, will talk to some trainer there, because something was wrong with a site and blablabla... Lovely when nothing can go smooth.

Have you guys noticed that I don't write in swedish anymore? I'm a nice person, so I was thinking about the readers that isn't from Sweden. I surprise myself for beeing so nice to you all!

Now this blogpost will be over soon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Yakuza is over.

Now I've finished playing Yakuza 3, I love the game, I consider to buy PS2 only to be able to play Yakuza and Yakuza 2. Really,  LOVE that game. The story is fantastic, but I didn't like the ending (no spoiler)..

Now I won't talk anymore about it, since I've played it trough... Okay, I like the ending (watching it on my television right now). I hope to save enough money to buy Yakuza 4 as soon as possible.

Best game ever, and I think that the older yakuza-games are just as good.

Kiriyu Kazuma, marry me?

The title; I wouldn't say no to that. And why the hell do they call him "old man" and "pops"? He looks younger than those damn street punks and gang members anyway!

Well, as you might have understand already I'm playing yakuza 3 at my PS3 right now. And my neighbours are singing some karaoke again. Sounds as if they're singing in finnish now, is it so? Is my neighbours from Finland? Awesome if it is so, but I don't really care (okay, they're singing in finnish for sure!) I havn't even met them yet.. haha, kind of hiding in my room...

Tomorrow it seems as if I'm about to try Kali Sikaran for the first time in my life, hope it's fun, because I need something to do after school and such.

Now I'll continue playing yakuza 3.

Monday, August 29, 2011

And there was... nuts.

Well hello there!
Today my friend got an allergic "chock" in school, because there was some cashewnuts in the vegetarian food. She didn't eat it, but she could feel them anyway.. Not good, schools here in Sweden usually forbids all kinds of nuts, because so many are allergic to them. But my school is obviously retarded (or.. not the school, the dining-place is retarded...).

So what else to tell you about today? Uhm, nothing probably. I don't feel like updating here today, because it has rained all day long and I'm feeling depressed (why math in the mornings? WHY?!).

Now I'll probably just sit here some more..  Oh, wait! I think that my neighbours over me are elephants.. Oh, and I can hear when their dog is drinking.. And somewhere in this house we got a karaoke-lover, I don't want to hear "Snälla, snälla" in the middle of the night again.. please?

Internet is SO slow here, so I couldn't upload the picture I wanted... So you get this even older picture of me... from photobooth with love... or something like that...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Think of me as the blond guy talking about something awesome. Think about the others as my friends..

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pink Fried Shrimps: EU TOUR 2011

This day have sucked something..
Seriously, haven't done a thing. Woke up, ate some damn salty scones and drank some juice.. Yep, that's about the most interesting thing I've done today.. I want to play PS3 I think, but my PS3 is not here, it's in my other home. I was about to fight some triads..
So what else have I done today? Uh... Yeah, I ate again just now, my mother fried some shrimps and I didn't eat them, I ate other things she'd done.. But the shrimps.. They smell BAD when you fry them, remember that kids!
Your shrimpfrying might kill others... I can't fucking breathe here...

Oh, why do I complain, you might wonder. Well, because I.. I'm bored and what's funnier than to complain about everything and nothing?

I also think that you guys visiting my blog should comment more, because if you do it would be so much more fun to take pictures and such for future updates. Well, well..

F R E D (peace in swedish in case you didn't know..)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Today it's friday!

In case you didn't notice...

I had two lessons today.. TWO! My day ended 11:25.. Haha, so.. me and one friend walked over the street to Max (Swedish hamburger-restaurant) and bought some "lyxshake", but the cunts that worked there today didn't make it.. perfekt.. it was.. not right.. Not lyx enough for me (woah, hard word calling them cunts.. but w/e).
Well, later on we sat by the water running trough the city for several hours laughing our asses of.. It was fun, and then I went home, packed some clothes and went home-home. And now I'm here, in the forests, in my incredibly hot room.

Now you know. Peace out ya'll!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Many languages in one day

Wanted to drop in and tell you that I get scared shitless everytime I get my mail trough the door. It's so silent and then BANG and there was mail while I at first think that someone wants to break in. Haha, getting mail trough doors these days are scary things.

Well, been to school today (well, duuh?). Started the day by reading the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel. We're going to read three of his books; "Night", "Dawn" and "The Accident" ("The Accident" is now called "Day"), and later on writing an essay about it. I think that the book so far seems to be a good book, it's so interesting even if I have not read many pages yet. I think I find it so interesting because it's true.
When we've finished reading these books and writing that essay (we'll have an discussion about the books as well) we will finish off with watching "Schindler's List". I've seen it before, it's a good film, really good, but I don't want to cry in class..

Well, well. Today I had my first lesson in German to.. Simple things as "What's your name" and "Where do you come from?". Oh, and I had a french lesson to.. grammar and.. Another damn essay about Edith Piaf. I think I've done like three assignments about her.. Why can't swedish french-teachers understand that France have other musicians to?! Like, why can't we write about Daft Punk or David Guetta? WHY ALWAYS EDITH PIAF?!
haha, fun thing is that our teacher last year was from France, he hoped that we wouldn't need to read another word about Edith Piaf, he disliked that Edith is the only musician that is talked about here in Sweden (during french-classes..).

Well, no more complaining about that. Instead I will say goodbye for now and excuse once more for my bad updating, but I try my best even if I think about school in first place.

F R E D !

Pictures from Kagoshima-area

Another samurai-garden..
The others tried yakiniku...
So, even though we stayed in Kagoshima/Kirishima for several nights, I didn't take much pictures there, because.. Well, I don't know.
We visited some "samurai-gardens", they're really beautiful, but it was SO hot that day and all I wanted was something cold to drink or eat. You can't imagine how it felt when I finally found a wending machine and bought some coke there.

I remember when we was in Kagoshima city, in a musicstore, they had a big wall filled with band-scores and just for fun I was looking at one with BUCK-TICK, and one of the stores employes was pretty amazed that I knew about BUCK-TICK, I asked if he could play something from the bandscore, because I had heard him played and he was really good, but he said that BUCK-TICK's music was really hard to play.

Also the others wanted to eat yakiniku some day, and since I'm vegetarian I ate udon instead (surprised?). I think that yakiniku looked and smelled good, I almost wanted to start eating meat again only because of that yakiniku, haha. And for you who don't know, yakiniku is liked fried meat and you fry it yourself at your table. It's a good way to socialize.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Second day, second year

Hello there guys (and gals)!
I want to apoligize to you for my abscense here. The thing is that I've started school AND I have moved now. My internet here is neither the best nor the fastest in the world (yet). Therefore I won't update here as often as usual.

I hope you understand!
Well, today I was in school again, we started of with some english (grammar and one litterature-assignment to start with (no chillin' in my school..)). After that we had swedish and we talked about how the course will be during this year. We finished of with history and I've never heard my class that silent for 80minutes! Haha, new teacher for us you know.. From United States.. Haha, so yeah, we speak english alot at my school, and somehow my english is really bad here (LOL).

Well, now I'll play some PS3 and then go to bed. Peace out!
Klockan är inte mer än 14:44 och jag är redan hemma, nog varit hemma typ en kvart redan.. Tror jag gillar det, bara morgonen som kändes väldigt... ensam, haha.

Pictures from Miyajima

When the water rises it looks like if the shrine floats, really beautiful
Momijimanju, it's like a cake and it's freakin' delicious!
I think Miyajima is famous for their wild (tame) deers..
A red little crab far from the sea
Almost at the top of Mt. Misen, cloudy, sunny and amazing!
So this blogpost is delivering pictures from Miyajima, a beautiful island outside Hiroshima. I spent two nights and almost three days here, Lived in traditional japanese style, slept on futon and had tatami-mats in my room, also tried onsen and wore kimono.. Yes, and I ate traditional japanese dinner + breakfast.
Well, everybody I travelled with loved onsen, except for me, I don't like to be naked in front of everybody just to sit down in some freakin' hot water. And the first dinner we ate ALOT of clams and oysters, and I don't like either of them..

Oh, also ate the best soft-cream here, banana-chocolate! Lovely!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sitting in my mothers school (she's a teacher).
My school starts later today.. Goodbye summer 2011, you've been pretty awesome
Japan, Finland, "far, far away", moving, Gackt and Nyköping..
I guess I must hold on until next holiday...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Picture from Hiroshima

I will only show this picture of Hiroshima, didn't take many pictures there because I was only there for a few hours. This is the A-dome and later we visited "Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum", it was intresting but my tears wasn't far away.
Although, the city is really beautiful and really worth to pay a visit to, and if you do; you MUST visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum!


A drawing that I finished eeeeearly today. I know, those abs could be better.. But.. I'm pretty satisfied with how the drawing looks, so I'll leave it like this.
"close up"