Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jag ska först meddela att jag tänker ta bloggpaus :------)
Har helt enkelt ingen lust att blogga och absolut ingenting att skriva om heller.
I want to announce that I will take a pause from blogging :------)

Skulle också meddela att babe hämtades idag. Han är fin och perfekt.. Måste bara lära mig hur jag ska använda honom på bästa sätt, svårt i och med att jag aldrig förut använt varken ritplatta eller photoshop (eller andra liknande program).
I also wanted to say that I picked upp babe today. He's boootiful and perfect... But I must learn how to use him in the best way, which is hard because I have never before used either tablet or photoshop (or similar programes).

Så bilden ovanför är vad jag åstadkom på mitt första försök med photoshop cs5 (enda programmet som jag har där det är möjligt att rita. Fattar inte det där med lager heller, men det kommer jag väl lära mig.. lol.
The picture above is what I acieved out of my first try with photoshop cs5. I don't get all that about what the layers is all about, but I will learn.. someday.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

So, in Sweden (maybe all of the Nordic-countries) we celebrate Christmas at it's hight on the 24th of December, but I think that most countries celebrate Christmas at the 25th of December. So therefore I wish you all a very, merry Christmas today. Hope you will have a wonderful day and night. And if not, let's hope the next day will be better!

I, myself, was sick yesterday, fever and a sore throat, but I had a good Christmas Eve with my family anyway. I ate food and.. Sweets, to much of both actually. I still feel stuffed (and it was a long time since I ate (around 15:30 I think). Since I'm a vegetarian my mother had made me some nice beanballs (instead of meatballs), and also rutabaga casserole (lovely word, lovely dish!).

Now I'll get some sleep, I'm really tired thanks to the fever (I was tired the very first second I got out of bed and throughout the whole day). Sleep well and once again, Merry Christmas to all of you (and if you don't celebrate Christmas I wish you a very good regular day instead!).

P E A C E  O U T !

Friday, December 23, 2011

Woke up today only to figure out that I'm sick.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Post in Swedish

Jag fick ett fint paket ifrån norr idag! Väldigt fint, väldigt roligt att få, ska spara det några dagar dock, vara som vilken svensson som helst och öppna det om fem dagar. Yep.

Tror jag ska börja skriva på svenska igen, haha. Tappat allt självförtroende till att skriva på andra språk idag. GRISMAT. Åh, snart är det lov, ska bara skriva klart två inlämningar tills på onsdag och lämna in dem. Sedan är det en chill-torsdag (enda chill-dagen på hela läsåret!). Förhoppningsvis kommer SP2's bidrag vara gryyyymt (klart det kommer vara, min och de andra "tvås" idé, satteeeh)! Efter skoldagens slut så blir det Gotham City för att köpa en liten sak till, till en julklapp som för stunden är "halv" eftersom jag inte hittade vad jag ville ha idag, och den där julklappen får väl ges efter Jul, men det är ändå tanken som räknas.

Howevah, hoppas man kanske kan knö in sig på en panduro på torsdag och se om de har spegelbitar! Vill inte krossa en spegel på egen hand, inte för att jag är särskilt vidskeplig, men ändå. Man krossar inte speglar själv, man köper en krossad spegel istället. Måste fullborda min skapelse snart så att rummet bredvid blir helt klart och niiiice (alltså rummet bredvid i huset för rummet bredvid i lägenheten skiter jag i hur det ser ut (grannar får sköta sig själva)).

Efter ett finare, lite längre inlägg, på mitt modersmål svenska så säger jag hej då för stunden!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


In one week it's Christmaseve, which is the day that swedes celebrate Christmas at it's hight (christmas-gifts, christmas-food, christmastree and so on). Christmas is nice I guess, but I don't like how blown-up it is, the day of the year, even if you're a non-Christian, and yeah, even if you don't have panganism beliefs either. But I guess it's nice to eat good food and also to have a holiday over Christmas.

Today (later today so.. tonight) I'll watch a film, I think it'll be the Godfather part 2. And now I have made som truffles that's in the fridge to cool down, hope they'll taste delicious, otherwise I will throw them away /rage.
No, jk about throwing them away, I will force others too eat them and tell me how good they taste.

Oh, and earlier this morning (in the middle of the night) I watched the film "Crows zero 2", it was nice I guess, nice looking guys fighting through two hours.. What could ever be better than that?

Here's the trailer for the first film;

Monday, December 5, 2011

Was it an unicorn?

I think it was yesterday when my dog noticed some strang poopoos in our garden. My mother thought it was an elk, but both me and my father know that that's horseshit. We could even see marks from the horse walking around. The strange thing is; there are no horses around where I live! Where did that horse come from and why did it take a dump in our garden? This is so mysterious!

Also I recieve comments once in a while here and.. I don't know how to answer them (if that's even possible at blogspot?). I hate that, seriously, of course I want to answer all of the comments that I get (even if there aren't many of them).


Friday, December 2, 2011

Some whining

I don't want to go, but I know I have to because I can't let other people down that much. It's enough that I had to turn down a few, I can't do it again only to stay at home by myself. But I want to be home, I want to sleep and take it easy, chill out. I know I have to drag myself away in a few hours, but not for long, because I don't like to go home by myself in the dark when it's late.. But one hour or something like that is better than not going at all I guess. After all, it's her birthday-party...

I'm so damn tired, that's how it is.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

One more today!

I've seen a t-shirt that I want so bad, really.. I fell in love with it.. I need it..

I know I didn't see MUCC this date but this t-shirt.. I.. I.. I have to ask my mother to get this as an early 18th Birthday-present or something like that. This is fabulous! The thing is that I don't have a japanese name or adress and everywhere where I don't need that they're sold out... Hope I can reward myself with this shirt. Usually I don't like band-shirts, but this.. HNNNNG!

And a friend (that's in Japan right now) bought a beautiful BUCK-TICK totebag, I'm quite jealous, yes.


I'm bored so I threw on some makeup and.. camwhored. Tomorrow it's friday, I'm tired, everything is bad. I'm loosing readers... I know I'm not writing any cool or fun stuff nowadays. You want to know why? Because SCHOOL IS KILLING ME. And it's autumn = dark and cold 24/7 = not that good for neither physical nor mental health. Today it's December, now I remember! That means that it's winter now and no, there's no snow in this part of Sweden, actually it rains instead.. So I concider this first of December to be autumn.
Noticed that there's two different makeups?
See how beautiful my eyebrows are even when they're not filled in? They look kind of gorgeous if you ask me (it's the last picture where they're not filled in).

P E A C E  O U T !