Since it is after midnight I have to say that it was yesterday that i came home from Germany and Berlin where I've been since early last monday. I was there with my class and it was interesting, my class got a cosy guide for two of the days. However I wanted to go home and be all fresh again, it is somehow easier to feel fresh when one is at home than it is whenever one is anywhere else.
Sooooo... I should probably go to sleep, but not yet, so good night whenever.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
I just ordered a new pair of shoes, hopefully they'll arrive very soon and I hope they'll fit perfectly and all that shit. Also I'm waiting for my wigs to arrive (they should do so soon) and my music as well. Right now I am having silver (and white) dye in my hair because I'm so (awesome) tired of yellow (pee)hair.
Yeah, my blog sucks big time, but w/e. Next weekend WILL be awesome and uhm, today I tried to clean up my room and it looks better. I should write on my history assignment but it's to damn hard so I'll wait with that. We all know one works better under pressure.
Oooooh, and I forgot, today I also got a new pair of pants in a size smaller because they are cheapass pants that grows after 5 minutes of use. Shitty pants is shitty.
Weeeeeeell, goodbye for a while again!
Yeah, my blog sucks big time, but w/e. Next weekend WILL be awesome and uhm, today I tried to clean up my room and it looks better. I should write on my history assignment but it's to damn hard so I'll wait with that. We all know one works better under pressure.
Oooooh, and I forgot, today I also got a new pair of pants in a size smaller because they are cheapass pants that grows after 5 minutes of use. Shitty pants is shitty.
Weeeeeeell, goodbye for a while again!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Just some WIP's I've done this weekend instead of doing my math and pscychology, swedish and all that important stuff I should've done. And oh, I doodled a bit on them both because they're not finished and yes... Lalalaaa~
So there's Atsushi from BUCK-TICK, I started with that one when listening to Jupiter by BUCK-TICK, it reminds me of religion and.. There fore he has that Jesus-look on his face.
My drawing of Taecyeon looks really scary, it was actually better with blank eyes. He's your man.. If you know what I mean.
Well, tomorrow it's monday so fuck everything twice. Bye.
So there's Atsushi from BUCK-TICK, I started with that one when listening to Jupiter by BUCK-TICK, it reminds me of religion and.. There fore he has that Jesus-look on his face.
My drawing of Taecyeon looks really scary, it was actually better with blank eyes. He's your man.. If you know what I mean.
Well, tomorrow it's monday so fuck everything twice. Bye.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Themedays gone.. wrong.
So.. Yesterday I was stuck at home because I felt really ill and therefore I missed school yesterday. However I went to school today and found out something that have made me very angry and I can't just let it go. I can't just shut up about it because this is important and something that I think is important NOT to just fly away and become nothing. Tomorrow I will be heading towards my princiapls office, because he HAS to know that I will NOT accept this happening.
I will not tell you what it is, but I will give you a hint:
I will not tell you what it is, but I will give you a hint:
Sunday, March 4, 2012
A weekend not quite like any weekends before
Went out this saturday night, it became late and the place we went to wasn't that awesome but it was nice to meet friends that I haven't seen for a long time. Also, I'm really happy that I had my guest from a place far north this weekend. I was so freaking nervous when I was about to pick her up at the trainstation although I have talked with her for years and years, this was the time to finally meet her in real life. I hope she will still talk with me after this, because I have talked A LOT this weekend. So thank you for coming over here, it ment a lot to me!
I'm about to sleep soon, tomorrow it's monday again and we all know what monday means, school. So therefore, good night once again!
P.S. Just remembered that I have also been watching some films. We started of with the film "He was a quiet man", the next day it was "Outrage" and today we should have watched "Incendies" when my DVD-player decided not to work anymore. However I watched the film when my PS3 started to work again and it was the best film in the bunch. Yes, that was about it. D.S.
I'm about to sleep soon, tomorrow it's monday again and we all know what monday means, school. So therefore, good night once again!
P.S. Just remembered that I have also been watching some films. We started of with the film "He was a quiet man", the next day it was "Outrage" and today we should have watched "Incendies" when my DVD-player decided not to work anymore. However I watched the film when my PS3 started to work again and it was the best film in the bunch. Yes, that was about it. D.S.
Friday, March 2, 2012
I am eighteen years old now.
So, this morning my mother woke me up by singing for me and then leaving a card, some money, a flower and chocolate at my night table. In school the first thing I got was a tiara, it was beautiful with the pink stones and all... Then my German class sang for me in German and my Science teacher called me a lady because of the crown, it's funny, because a couple of weeks ago he said; "maybe you're a virus!" after a small conversation between us two. After school my mother came by with the cupcakes I had been making the day before and I started decorating them and making them pretty. My father also came by with some cake which was really sweet so I almost felt the urge to vomit. WELL, after this some of my friends arrived and we ate all the sweet stuff I've made and also they gave me presents that I'm really happy about! I got a ticket for the cinema and a rice cooker. We also played wizard which was a lot of fun and now I should head to the shower and then go to sleep. Because tomorrow a dear friend of mine will visit me for this weekend, but I'm really nervous because we haven't actually met and been with each other before, although we have been talking over internet for years and years! I'm really excited to finally meet her for real and hang out with her.
I hope you all had a nice day (because for once I had a really great time, haha!) and I also hope my friends flight will go smooth for her sake! Good night!~
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Well hello there (again!)
This is my last day as a child, I know; nobody will probably care about this, but I wanted to write about it anyway!
So what have I done this last day of my childhood? I've been to school, took the train home to my parents house, baked a little, sat down in front of the computer. And that's about it.
I should read and do some math, but nah, I don't really care, not this week (watch out, we got a badass over here!). Very well dear fellows, hope you all having a wonderful time, I'm trying to have that as well!
And I think this friday might be epic and if not; I'm still going to be very excited!
This is my last day as a child, I know; nobody will probably care about this, but I wanted to write about it anyway!
So what have I done this last day of my childhood? I've been to school, took the train home to my parents house, baked a little, sat down in front of the computer. And that's about it.
I should read and do some math, but nah, I don't really care, not this week (watch out, we got a badass over here!). Very well dear fellows, hope you all having a wonderful time, I'm trying to have that as well!
And I think this friday might be epic and if not; I'm still going to be very excited!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Just in my room.. Making some weapons.
I'm in my room trying to make some weapons. And I feel retarded when trying to write on the keyboard because my nails are so damn long since yesterday. Also been to the doc today, they were stealing my blood! It all went well and now I'm home making my weapons. I should try to pack, but nah, that can wait until saturday evening, lol.
Yeah, see you all another day!
Yeah, see you all another day!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Okay, hey you guys again (if there are any).
Så.. Jag uppdaterar nog inte här igen på ett bra tag och om jag gör det blir det inte ofta. Jag läser inte heller bloggar längre eftersom jag märkt att jag mår jävligt dåligt av att läsa dem.
Nu vet folk det, men jag tror knappast att någon kommer bry sig om en läsare mindre heller. För så är livet, ingen bryr sig egentligen om en liten prick mer eller mindre i världen på drygt sju miljarder människor.
Så.. Jag uppdaterar nog inte här igen på ett bra tag och om jag gör det blir det inte ofta. Jag läser inte heller bloggar längre eftersom jag märkt att jag mår jävligt dåligt av att läsa dem.
Nu vet folk det, men jag tror knappast att någon kommer bry sig om en läsare mindre heller. För så är livet, ingen bryr sig egentligen om en liten prick mer eller mindre i världen på drygt sju miljarder människor.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Snälla lär mig leva efter de här orden, för då skulle livet vara tusen gånger lättare på de flesta vis.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Imorgon är det onsdag vilket innebär en rundgång genom renässansen och protestantiska revolutioner i världen. Efter detta färdas man till Tyskland genom skrift och tal. Till lunch kommer en indisk gryta för de som kräset nog väljer bort kött och för de som fortfarande vill mumsa på slaktade djur kommer det serveras superbt köttfärsris med purjolök och ris. Lunchen går över i ett gymnastiskt pass trots att rekommendationerna är att vänta någon timme efter mat innan man gymnastiserar. Turligt nog för de som följer rekommendationerna så kommer det gymnastiska passet innebära en start på någonting som jag tror är skriftligt. Dagen avrundas milt med rullande R och grammatik ifrån grammatikens land - Frankrike.
Utöver sammanfattningen av imorgon så beställde jag ett par byxor idag, för de byxorna har jag velat ha ett bra tag. Så hoppas de kommer snart och att de går på mig och inte är för trånga. Jag köpte också biljett till Nordens största konvent Uppcon:12 för att det idag sades att SCREW ska spela där. Har ärligt inte lyssnat på dem på ett bra tag, men lyssnade flitigt på dem för några år sedan och hade inte möjlighet att se dem i Finland 2009. Därför tänker jag göra det i år 2012. Lite nostalgi sådär.
Utöver sammanfattningen av imorgon så beställde jag ett par byxor idag, för de byxorna har jag velat ha ett bra tag. Så hoppas de kommer snart och att de går på mig och inte är för trånga. Jag köpte också biljett till Nordens största konvent Uppcon:12 för att det idag sades att SCREW ska spela där. Har ärligt inte lyssnat på dem på ett bra tag, men lyssnade flitigt på dem för några år sedan och hade inte möjlighet att se dem i Finland 2009. Därför tänker jag göra det i år 2012. Lite nostalgi sådär.
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Byxorna ;~; |
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I'm not back yet
Tänkte fräscha upp det på bloggen lite, men gjorde bara en slarvheader och tog bort bakgrunden och så var det med det.
New header and deleted background.
New header and deleted background.
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